Find the parts to preserve, restore, or hot rod your ‘62-79 Chevy II Nova!

Find the right parts for your Nova

National Nostalgic Nova has a complete line of reproduction parts at reasonable prices.

National Nostalgic Nova is pleased to offer you parts you cannot find new. We have thousands of used Nova parts from hundreds of ‘62-’79 Novas. We don’t have everything but we may have what you need.

Join the club! Get exclusive benefits!

In Nova Times you will be able to read about fellow members Novas and see photos of them.

There is a classified section where members can advertise free of charge parts, Novas for sale and parts and Novas looking to buy.

Technical articles will help you understand your Nova more fully.

Membership in the USA is $30 a year for bulk rate mail and $50 a year for First class mail.

In Canada it is $55 US Funds a year and Overseas $65 US Funds. We do take PAYPAL.

Call us for information:
M-F 9am-5:00pm EST (717) 252-4192
or email

Please send a check or Money Order to:
579 Accomac
YORK, PA 17406

Nova Headlight T-Shirts

Call or email us and order your shirt today.

1(717) 252-4192